Prayer Module - How it works
Prayer is talking back to God. You don't need a tool for that. But if you want to keep track of your prayer requests, pray with and for others, or want to be reminded of prayer topics, Quiet Time can help.
1 Thes 5:17 Pray without ceasing
Prayer Topics
Prayer Topics are simply topics that you want to remind yourself to pray for.
You can enter topics for a given day of the week, or you can enter topics that recur every day.
You can indicate if you prayed for the topic on any given day, by checking the 'Prayed' box.
Sign up and add your own topics!Prayer Requests
Prayer Requests are more specific than Prayer Topics. A Prayer Request is a specific request that you have for God. You can keep track of your prayer requests, mark them as Answered (or Not Answered), and add tags to them.
Phil 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.Sign up and add your own requests!
Prayer Groups
Sometimes you want to share your prayer requests with others. It is great if other people can pray for you as well. You can create Prayer Groups, and add people to them, by their email address.
When you create a Prayer Request, you can assign it to a certain group, and then each member of that group will get an email with your prayer request.
The email contains your Prayer Request, and a button that the recipient can use to anonymously indicate that they prayed for you.
Sign up and add your own groups!